Introducing Ruggles, a cute Shih-Tzu puppy. He was relocated to a different location where the possibility of a fresh life could start.

To symbolize this new beginning, he was introduced to a new friend, and their unexpected friend was also rescued from an unhappy situation. At just two days old, Chompers the kitten was found abandoned under a porch. In the video below, they initially encounter one another.

Ruggles and Chompers, who were both adopted into loving homes, are happy and healthy despite their difficult beginnings! Ruggles later rose to prominence as the Cherokee County Animal Shelter’s official spokesperson. The dog now visits classrooms to inform students about puppy mills and shelter dogs.

If you’re wondering why they weren’t adopted together, it was because Chompers (true to her name!) was being too harsh with young Ruggles, and because of his health issues, it was determined that it was better for both animals to be adopted separately. Both of them are content and adored a lot!
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